Thirty-five-year-old boy pundit Ben Shapiro has made himself famous by performing within the closed right-wing mediasphere while getting profiled in the regular mediasphere, so that it’s been possible to be aware of him without actually having to hear his voice, even though he has a radio show. Yesterday, though, his book-promotion tour led him outside his bubble to the BBC, where a mildly challenging line of questioning led him to melt down and denounce his interviewer—Andrew Neil, the chairman of the thoroughly right-wing Spectator—as a “leftist.” The video of that, in turn, led American audiences to finally get to hear the speaking voice with which Shapiro delivers his much-publicized arguments. It sounded uncannily familiar. Here, as a public service and with apologies, we present what might as well be Ben Shapiro reading his own apology tweet after his BBC debacle, via the Mac OS Sierra “Alex” speech synthesizer:

Ben Shapiro Squeaks His Mind
The Worst Thing We Heard Today™
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