No one told you life was gonna be this way CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP What is dead may never die CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP You win or you die CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP The walk of punishment CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP All men must die CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP Beyond the wall CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP No One’s there for you . . .

S 1 Ep 1: The One Where Winter is Coming

S 1 Ep 2: The One with the Dogs

S 1 Ep 3: The One with the Wall

S 1 Ep 4: The One with the Vision

S 1 Ep 5: The One with the Jousting

S 1 Ep 6: The One with a Golden Crown

S 1 Ep 7: The One with the Weird Tree

S 1 Ep 8: The One Where the Whole Thing is Starting to Look Like that Monty Python Movie

S 1 Ep 9: The One Where the Subtitles Kick In

S 1 Ep 10: The One with the Boobies (and Dragons)

S 2 Ep 1: The One Where Joffrey Starts Getting Into Being King

S 2 Ep 2: The One with the Cool Fireplace

S 2 Ep 3: The One with the Big Girl

S 2 Ep 4: The One with the Birth

S 2 Ep 5: The One Where Arya Gets Scary

S 2 Ep 6: The One Where Someone Threw a Cow Flop at the King

S 2 Ep 7: The One with This Creep

S 2 Ep 8: The One with the Important Plot Device

S 2 Ep 9: The One Where Stuff Blowed Up Real Good

S 2 Ep 10: The One Where Tywin Rode His Horse Into the Throne Room

S 3 Ep 1: The One Where a Dragon Catches a Fish, Throws It Up in the Air, and Roasts It

S 3 Ep 2: The One with the Warg

S 3 Ep 3: The One Where Jamie Loses a Hand

S 3 Ep 4: The One Where Tyrion Finds Out What’s in the Box

S 3 Ep 5: The One Where Jon Snow and Ygritte Do It

S 3 Ep 6: The One Where They Remind You About the Plot Device

S 3 Ep 7: The One with the Screamer

S 3 Ep 8: The One with the Leeches

S 3 Ep 9: The One with the Fake Party

S 3 Ep 10: The One Where It Gets Weird for Jon and Ygritte

S 4 Ep 1: The One Where Jamie Finds a Hand

S 4 Ep 2: The One After ‘I Do’

S 4 Ep 3: The One with the Ick Factor

S 4 Ep 4: The One with the Baby

S 4 Ep 5: The One with the Inappropriate Sister

S 4 Ep 6: The One Where a Dragon Roasts a Goat

S 4 Ep 7: The One with More Hot Pie

S 4 Ep 8: The One Where the Grey Worm Turns

S 4 Ep 9: The One with the Mastodon

S 4 Ep 10: The One with Tywin on the Throne

S 5 Ep 1: The One with Tyrion In a Box

S 5 Ep 2: The One with the Really Big Statue

S 5 Ep 3: The One with Tommen and Margaery’s Wedding

S 5 Ep 4: The One with the Scorpions

S 5 Ep 5: The One with the Greyscale

S 5 Ep 6: The One with the Truth About the Water in the Fountain

S 5 Ep 7: The One with the Blind Targaryen

S 5 Ep 8: The One with Tyrion’s Interview

S 5 Ep 9: The One Where They Sacrifice a Princess

S 5 Ep 10: The One Where King’s Guard Brienne of Tarth Sentences Stannis Baratheon to Die for the Blood Magic Murder of Renly of House Baratheon by Way of a Shadow Creature Birthed by the Red Priestess Melisandre

S 6 Ep 1: The One Where Jon Snow Is Dead

S 6 Ep 2: The One Where Jon Snow Is Alive

S 6 Ep 3: The One with the Flashback

S 6 Ep 4: The One with Daenerys’ Going Away Party

S 6 Ep 5: The One with All the Hodor

S 6 Ep 6: The One with the Crown and the Faith

S 6 Ep 7: The One with the Guy Who Said the Show was Just “Tits and Dragons”

S 6 Ep 8: The One with No One

S 6 Ep 9: The One Where Ramsay Doesn’t Like Dogs

S 6 Ep 10: The One Where Cersei Won’t Go

S 7 Ep 1: The One with the Two Feasts

S 7 Ep 2: The One with the Giant Poking Device

S 7 Ep 3: The One Where Daenerys Meets Jon

S 7 Ep 4: The One with the List

S 7 Ep 5: The One with the Invitation

S 7 Ep 6: The One with Fire and Ice

S 7 Ep 8: The One Where the Wall Doesn’t Work

S 8 Ep 1: The One Where We Don’t Have Time for All This

S 8 Ep 2: The One Where Brienne and Arya Get What They Want

S 8 Ep 3: The One With All the Darkness

S 8 Ep 4: The One With the Drinking

S 8 Ep 5: The One With Cersei’s Going Away Party

S 8 Ep 6: The Last One