The Baltimore Police Twitter feed photos of seized weapons are meant to document law enforcement’s pursuit of hardened criminals, but they capture also how broke and janky and mismatched the whole apparatus of death can be.
Hmm Daily: Hi, I am calling for a website called Hmm Daily, H-M-M-DAILY DOT COM, and I have a question about the Baltimore Police Twitter feed, photographs of firearms that have been seized, I would like to know why it is that there is frequently one bullet on display that doesn’t match the other bullets.
Detective Nikki Fennoy, Baltimore Police Department Media Relations: This is just the firearms that we’re seizing from people on the street, so I can’t really explain why that person, why the suspect would have ammo that doesn’t match the other ammo.
Hmm: It’s just a really odd thing, it’s like, I see lots of pictures that the Police Department puts up, and frequently there’s always one bullet that just looks different from the other bullets. You just think it’s just random?
Det. Fennoy: Yeah, I mean they just—I really don’t think the suspects are really paying that much attention to if the ammo is gonna match the other ammo? [Laughs] Yeah, it’s just what they have on them so we have to submit everything that’s with it.
Hmm Daily: Do you think that they get the gun at the same place they get the ammunition?
Det. Fennoy: I wouldn’t —I don’t know.
Hmm Daily: Yeah.
Det. Fennoy: Yeah.
Hmm Daily: All right, can I have your name?
Det Fennoy: Detective Fennoy, F as in Frank, E-N-N-O-Y.
Hmm: Alright, thank you, Detective Fennoy.
Det. Fennoy: Have a good day, sir.
Hmm: I’ll do my best, you too.
Det. Fennoy: [Laughs] Thanks.
Close call, above. Arguable.
Another arguable call.
Above and below are Exceptions That Prove the Rule, via offenders who clearly shop professionally for ammunition.
The 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates had jerseys and pants in black, gold, and white with gold stripes, which they mixed and matched to make nine different uniform combos. Something similar is going on with the bullets and cases here, in copper and brass and silver colors.
Sometimes it’s two bullets.